CASTOR OIL Sources and Common Uses Castor Oil Castor Oil is a specialty vegetable oil that is derived from pure castor beans. The beans are pressed to make the oil. It is a pale yellow clear to hazy liquid and has a very distictive odor and tase. Castor oil is a mixture of triglycerides and is made up of about 90% fatty acids. Some chemical characteristics of castor oil: CAS: 8001-79-4 Boiling point, 313 °C (595 °F) , Density 0.961 g/cm Castor oil Castor oil and its derivatives are used in the manufacturing of all kinds of products from detergent soaps, to hydrauic fluid additives, and even additives for making things as diverse as pharmaceuticals to coatings and adhesives to perfumes and brake fluids. . It is also a well known carrier for dyes in textiles. Some kinds of castor oil are food grade. Castor oil may trigger allergic reactions or allergies. Do not use if you...
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