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Showing posts with the label unclog pipes
Ideas and hacks for unclogging pipes around the home  There's nothing worse than hopping in the tub or the shower or turning on your kitchen faucet and looking down only to see you have a clogged drain.  Backed up plumbing can really be a pain,  and cause problems around the home or office.  Clogged pipes can be a very challenging chore to solve. It is not always as easy to unclog a pipe as you would think.  What are some ideas to make the job a little easier, and not so expensive? Here are a few ideas and hacks that may help you unclog pipes before having to call an expensive plumber. We'll take a quick look at a few ideas for some of the clogs in kitchen or bathroom sinks, and tub and shower drains. Kitchen Sinks CLogs in a kitchen sink can be a real problem, especially around the holidays. A typical clog in a kitchen sink is food and grease .    For food and grease clogs you can try a few easy to do ideas. Try just a simple cleaner, like Dawn or